Very beautiful picture of Khana - e - Kaba, Makkah

January 29, 2017 Rehan Ahmad XLX 4 Comments

HI !

Khana Kaba is the holiest, favorite, beloved and heart loving place for Muslims. It is the Qibla for Muslims or in other words it is the focus point for prayer therefore, people respect the Khana Kaba from the core of heart because they bow it across the world. Moreover, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) delivered the message of Allah Almighty to offer prayers in front of Kaba. It is also called house of Allah Almighty. It is covered with black curtains around it which is having text embroidered on them and a stone of Jannah is associated with it which is also called Hajar-al-Aswad. It was first time constructed by Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) who was the messenger of Allah Almighty. It is situated in the center of Masjid-Al-Haram and this is the largest mosque for Muslims in the world. Muslims around the world come here to perform the religious obligation that is called Hajj. 


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